We want to hear from you. Let us know what you think Green Party of Tennessee should focus on most in the upcoming year.
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There are many different ways to get involved with the Green Party of Tennessee. Here are a few easy steps to help you on your journey.
Join The Party - Start here to officially join the Green Party of Tennessee.
Find Your Local Chapter - All politics are local right? Find your local chapter and get connected with Greens in your community. Can't seem to find one? Maybe you can help start or reactivate Greens in your area!
Volunteer - Grassroots Democracy is essential and nothing worthwhile happens by chance. Signup now to help do the work!
- Donate - It takes resources to create change and build a future that respects people and the planet. We don't take big corporate donations, but we certainly appreciate the generosity of folks like you who believe in the Ten Key Values.
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